
Recent Publications

  1. McDowell, Z.J. and Vetter, M.. Wikipedia and the representation of reality. Routledge. August 2021.
  2. McDowell, Z.J. “Wikipedia and AI: Access, Representation, and Agency in the Age of Large Langage Models.” Convergence. March 14, 2024. Vol 30(2).
  3. McDowell, Z.J., Vetter, M. “The Re-Alienation of the Commons: Wikidata and the ethics of ‘Free’ Data in Machine Learning” International Journal of Communication. Vol 18 (2023).
  4. McDowell, Z.J., Tiidenberg, K. “The (not so) Secret Governors of the Internet: Morality Policing and Platform Politics.” Convergence. August 4, 2023.
  5. Vetter, M., McDowell, Z.J. “A Spectrum of Surveillance: Charting Functions of Epistemic Inequality Across EdTech Platforms in the PostCovid Era.Journal of Teaching and Learning Practice, February 2023. Vol 20, Iss. 2, No. 2. 
  6. McDowell, Z.J., Vetter, M. “Fast Truths and Slow Knowledge; Oracular Answers and Wikipedia’s Epistemology.Fast Capitalism. November 2021. Vol 19, No. 1. 104-112. 1
  7. McDowell, Z.J., Vetter, M. “Wikipedia as Open Educational Practice: Experiential Learning, Critical Information Literacy and Social Justice.” Social Media + Society February 2022.
  8. McDowell, Z.J., Vetter, M. “It takes a Village to Combat a Fake News Army: Wikipedia and Information Literacy.Social Media + Society. July 2020.
  9. McDowell, Z.J., and Stewart, M.D. “Student Learning Outcomes with Wikipedia-Based Assignments.” International Journal of Open Educational Resources. Volume 1, Issue 2 Spring/Summer 2019 ISSN 2641-5488.
  10. Vetter, M, McDowell, Z.J., and Stewart, M.D. “From Opportunities to Outcomes: The Wikipedia-based Writing Assignment,” Computers and Composition, 52 – June 2019 53-64.
  11. McDowell, Z.J., “Disrupting Academic Publishing: Questions of Access in a Digital Environment.Media Practice and Education. 19, 52-67. 2018.
  12. McDowell, Z.J., and Soha, M. (2016). “Monetizing a Meme: YouTube, ContentID & the Harlem Shake.” Social Media + Society. January-March, 1-12.

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